Wanted: Swordsman for Hire
In a seat at the bar of The Wailing Griffon, a tavern in the slums of Ranara, an aging warrior talks as much as he drinks, and he drinks way too much. These are his tales...
Wanted: Swordsman for Hire
Epilogue: The Job with the Songless Siren and the Leaky Galleon
The epic conclusion to the Siren's confrontation with Bram Thunderfist!
Will He Survive?!?!
Well, I mean, he is telling the story, so... yeah.
Story and Music Composition by Nathan Tucker
Produced by Ashkon Stone and Nathan Tucker
Bram Thunderfist - Nathan Tucker
(Content Notes: Salty Language, Mentions of Sexy Fishy Pincushions, Alcohol Consumption, Unrealistic Analogies of Sex with Sounds, Lots of Thunder that Would Need A Flashing Warning If this Was a Video, Quite a Bit of Death from Drowning, Massive Ego, SQUELCHING Sounds from Tromping Through Mud, Bram's Email Address)
Contact Bram with Questions at bramthunderfist@gmail.com
(This is where we put the hashtags, 'cause apparently someone somewhere figured this was a useful way to do "social media" stuff: #wsfh #podcast #audiotheater #storytime #action #comedy #fiction #fantasy #adventure #Bram #BramThunderfist #lotr #audiodrama #ableton #NI #komplete #dnd #originalmusic #iZotope #melodyne #earmovies #GentleFractureProductions #GFP #radiotheater )